A One's Cocker Spaniels

Weirdene Worthy Friend

Yardew Wild Venture
PRA Carrier
Yardew Scots Grey SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene PRA Carrier
(Weirdene Barnscar Fisher & Weirdene Trech Zenda)
Yardew Dolly Grey
(Glencora Moyhill Malory & Yardew Darnmill Dolly Daydream)
Yardew Wild Violet Leabank Laureate
(Hightrees Forty Secrets & Leabank Blue Mist)
Yardew Wild Thyme
(Waylight of Weirdene & Yardew Wild Honey)
Weirdene White Rain Hightrees Eye Level of Weirdene Hightrees Newberry High Chaparal
Hightrees Lady Love
Westport Paula of Weirdene Leabank Luckstone FN & PRA Carrier
(Leabank Lexicon & Leabank Lineria)
Winter Mint of Weirdene
(SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene PRA Carrier & Witch Broom of Weirdene)
Weirdene Westerly Sunset Worthwhile of Weirdene Wells Fargo of Weirdene
PRA Carrier
Weirdene Barnscar Fisher
(Barnscar Ajax & Questing Seasprite)
Weirdene Trech Zenda
(Joywyns Blue Boy of Ware & Talwen Riverbank Romana)
Witch Broom of Weirdene Weirdene Questing Strathspey
(Weirdene Questing Solitaire & Questing Beryl)
Weatherton of Weirdene
(Weirdene Barnscar Fisher & Wake Early of Weirdene)
Weirdene Bright Morning Waylight of Weirdene Weirdene Questing Strathspey
(Weirdene Questing Solitaire & Questing Beryl)
White Hawthorn of Weirdene
(SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene PRA Carrier & Witch Broom of Weirdene)
White Spats of Weirdene Peasemore Blue Peter
(Crosbeian Cascade & Thornfalcon Blue Farthing)
What Am I of Weirdene
(SHCH Wells Fargo of Weirdene PRA Carrier & Witch Broom of Weirdene)