A One's Cocker Spaniels

Champion/CAC-winning children & grandchildren of Hansi´s
C.I.E. VDHCH DECH SU(u)CH DKUCH NORDV03 KBHV04 SV05 Cocker of the Years 1998-2003
Midnight Train Vom Rauhen Holz

Hansi's 19th Champion baby
NORDUCH NordV03 Frostwork's Avalanche
Photo Marie Loré

Hansi has 33 CHAMPION sons and daughters.
Thank you all for flying Hansi´s flag!
Hansi's children have together won 94 Swedish CACs!
Plus a large number of Danish, Austrian, Norwegian, Finnish, American, Czech, Luxemburg, New Zeeland, Polish & German CACs!



Above: DTBSG 2000 VDHCH SU(u)CH DKUCH WW 2003 Blue Satin Forever A One´s
SU(u)CH KBHV2004 A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
(qualified for Crufts 2004)
SU(u)CH A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor
SU(u)CH NUCH Lordlike´s Judy
Coastline Hippie Girl
(2 CACs)
NUCH SU(u)CH Tricksters Black Midnight
2nd line-up:
Murbräckans Al Capone (3 CACs)
POLCH Poland Winner 2004 POLJCH Great Georgia Vom Rauhen Holz
INTCH FINCH SU(u)CH DKUCH Backhills Garibaldi
Backhills Fabulous Night And Day (+1 Danish CAC)
LUXJCH A Fighter Vom Rauhen Vom Rauhen Holz
Lordlike´s Ikaros (1 CAC)
3rd line-up:  CZJCH INTUCH Backhills I Like It (BIS/Czech Top Junior 2003)
NUCH NV2000 Blue Satin Finest Creation
SU(u)CH Backhills For Your Eyes Only
SU(u)CH NUCH Backhills Farah Diba

SU(u)CH Backhills For A One´s Only
SU(u)CH Allert's Online

4th line-up:
SVCH Gropaengens Miss Magnificent
NordJV03 SVCH NORDUCH Frostwork's Avalanche
SU(u)CH Pearl Harbour Phantom of the Opera
SU(u)CH Frostwork's Winterfields
SU(u)CH SVCH Allert's Off Road
(+2 Norw CACs)

DTJCH DT JBSG 2002 LUXJCH Ally McBeal Vom Rauhen Holz (VDH-/Klub Anw)
LPI LPII Gropaengens Mr Merlin
5th line-up:
SVCH A One's Finnoscandia (granddaughter)
A One's Daffodil (Norw CAC - granddaughter)
A One's Lily of the Valley (2 CAC/BOB - granddaughter)
SVCH Manaca's On Duty
AMCH Backhills Going For Gold
6th line-up: INTCH FINCH SU(u)CH ESTCH Baltic Winner 2006 A One's Teodora (granddaughter)
NUCH SU(u)CH A One's Toreador
(Sw CAC/Norw CAC, grandson)
SU(U)CH DKUCH SV 2005 A One's Eleonora
NordJV 2004 DK(u)CH A One's Troubadour
(3 CACs, Junior of the Year 2004, Denmark, grandson)
NZCH Backhills In Every Way
SU(u)CH Backhills Harmony And Piece (2 CAC)
7th line-up: SU(u)CH Medeba's Great Blue Pleasure
Keonomis Caledonian Road (BOB/CAC, granddaughter)
SU(u)CH SVCH Manaca's Oops I Did It Again (6 CAC)
SU(u)CH SV03 Manaca's On the Road (BOBs/13 CACs & 3 Cacibs)
Westerner Beautiful Mind (2 CACs)
FINUCH Backhills Ice Queen
8th line-up: C.I.E. NordV07 NV08 NORDUCH KBHV08 SV08 A One's Fingers Crossed (Cocker of the Years 2007 & 2008, granddaughter)
FINUCH Coastline Heavy Metal
A One's Dawn (1 CAC granddaughter)
Guldkulans Ferrari (1 CAC)
Lordlike's Nimba (CAC/BOB/CACIB)
NUCH Blue Satin Just In Time
Bottom line-up: SU(u)CH NordV2007 Pearl Harbour Blue Laika
SU(u)CH DKUCH Brightwood's The Famous Grouse
no photo SU(u)CH Honeywater's Eye of the Beholder (1 CAC granddaughter)
no photo SVCH Manaca's Working Nine To Five
no photo - VDHCH Backhill's Hidden Flower
no photo - SU(u)CH Suncox Night Wish (granddaughter)
no photo - Westerner For Ever (Norw BOB/CAC)
no photo - Tricksters Electric Train (CAC)
no photo - Blue Satin Flower Power (Norw CACs)
no photo - Blue Satin Flatter Boy (Norw CACs)

BIS2 Gothenburg January 5 with SU(u)CH DKUCH Backhills Garibaldi, Lordlike's Nimba, Allert's On Line & SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One's Rapunzel vom Rauhen Holz
BIS2 Gothenburg January 7 with Pearl Harbour Blue Sapphire, Lordlike's Nimba, Allert's On Line & SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One's Rapunzel vom Rauhen Holz

BIS Res, Växjö International with SU(u)CH SV03 Manaca's On the Road, Lordlike's Nimba,
SU(u)CH Manaca's Oops I Did It Again & SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz

Best In Show Hammarö November 27, 2004 with
SU(u)CH Allert's Off Road, Murbräckans Al Capone, Backhills Harmony And Piece & Allert's On Line

Best In Show Växjö November 7, 2004, with SU(u)CH SV03 Manaca's On The Road, SU(u)CH Backhills For Your Eyes Only,
Backhills Harmony and Piece & NUCH SU(u)CH Backhills Farah Diba (photo Anna Johansson)

BIS Progeny Group Ultuna August 29, 2004 with Murbräckans Al Capone, NordJV2003 Frostwork's Avalanche,
SU(u)CH A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz & Lordlike's Nimba (photo Lotta)

Thanks Suzanne! Best Progeny Group In Show Lervik March 21, 2004 with
Westerner Beautiful Mind, Lordlike's Judy, Murbräckans Al Capone & Frostwork's Winterfields.
"En avelsgrupp där avelshunden deltar med avkommor i fyra kombinationer, typlikheten och homogeniteten är påfallande, typiska huvuden,
pälsar och temperament är genomgående och faderns egen kvalitet lyser igenom, ett fint avelsresultat. Det är bara att gratulera!" (Inger Boström)

Best Progeny Group of Breed Växjö Oct 11, 2003 with SVCH Manaca's On Duty, Brightwood's Good For A Million,
Brightwood's One In A Million & Sätra's Hänt I Veckan. Thanks all for your positive attitude!

Best Progeny Group Gränna Club Show June 14 AND BIS3 the day after (SSRK)
Hansi handled by pro-handler Börje Johansson, Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills For Your Eyes Only,
A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz & Backhills Harmony and Piece (photo Staaf)

Best Progeny Group World Winner Show 2003, May 30
Hansi with Fabulous Night And Day, Ally McBeal Vom Rauhen Holz, A Fighter Vom Rauhen Holz, A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
& SU(u)CH DT BSG 2000 WW2003 VDHCH Blue Satin For Ever A One's

BIS2 Progeny group Gävle March 23, 2003, with SU(u)CH A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor,
SU(u)CH Backhill´s For A One´s Only, Lordlike´s Judy & Manaca´s On The Road

BIS2 Progeny Group Gothenburg, Jan 4, 2003 with Backhills Fabulous Night & Day,
Guldkulans Lancia Flaminia, Lordlike´s Judy, Backhills Hidden Flower

BIS2 Progeny Group Stockholm December 2002 with Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills Farah Diba,
A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz (CAC/2nd Best Bitch), Lordlike´s Judy (3rd Best Bitch)

Best Progeny Group of Breed at Sofiero Sept 8, 2002 with
Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills For Your Eyes Only, Backhills Fabulous Night And Day & A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor

Best Progeny Group in Show at Bjuv August 24, 2002 with
Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills For Your Eyes Only, SU(u)CH DT BSG 2000 Blue Satin Forever A One´s & A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz

Hansi won Best Progeny Group of Breed & BIS4 at Halmstad July 13, 2002 with
Backhills Garibaldi, Lordlike´s Jack in the Box, Backhills For Your Eyes Only & Backhills For A One´s Only

Backhills Doris Day won BIS2 Progeny Group at Vaexjoe International on November 3, 2001 with her babies by Hansi:
Fabulous Night & Day, For Your Eyes Only, Farah Diba & For A One´s Only (12 months old!)

Hansi won BEST PROGENY GROUP at Graenna June 15, 2002 with
Backhills Fabulous Night & Day, Murbraeckans Al Capone, Sjoesvaengens Midnight Dark Wing´s & Backhills For A One´s Only

Hansi´s first Progeny Group with offspring from Sätra´s, Gropängens & Tricksters, Club Show 1998
